With all of the recent reports about Avian and other flu viruses hell bent on ruining our holidays, now more than ever is the time to stick with, or ramp up, your fitness routine no matter how much holiday shopping you still have left to do! And no, power shopping does not count as an aerobic exercise.
FACT: Those who exercise regularly are less likely to come down with a cold or be greatly debilitated by one. Frequent exercisers experience less symptoms and quicker recoveries from colds.
During even moderate exercise, various immune cells are rapidly circulated through the body and are better able to kill bacteria and viruses. Once the bout of exercise is over, the immune system remains elevated for a few hours before returning to normal levels.
In other words, every time you go for a brisk walk, your immune system receives a boost that should increase your chances of fighting off cold viruses over the long term. The same concept holds true for kids, which is yet another great excuse to shut down their video game system and get them moving!
Some of the best reasons for incorporating regular exercise into your life is that you'll feel better, enjoy life more and reduce the frequency of common colds. Since you will be spending less time being sick you will have more time to enjoy work and play. And we Modern Moms know just how precious time is. And, yes, you'll look darn good, too!
Child health advocate, weight-loss industry veteran and former bodybuilding champion Merilee A. Kern is co-founder and CEO of Healthy Kids' Catalog ® - an online resource offering Solutions That Foster Healthy ChildrenT. She is also author of the fictional children's book, "It's Not Your Fault That You're Overweight - A Story of Enlightenment, Empowerment and Accomplishment for Overweight and Obese Kids". She can be reached through her Web sites at http://www.HealthyKidsCatalog.com and http://www.NotFault.com

Friday, December 28, 2007
Fitness: A Flu Buster
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6:10 PM
Bird Flu: How to Build Your Immune Defenses for Healing Your Body
The Virus The H5N1 strain of avian influenza (Flu) is considered by the World Health Organization and other health experts to be the biggest single disease threat to the world. Since starting in Hong Kong in 1997, it has spread in flocks of poultry across Asia and is now in western Europe.
This virus does not move easily from birds to humans. World Health Organization data shows that is has infected 117 in Asia, and killed 60. WHO has stated the H5N1 strain will in time have the ability to move with ease from human to human. When this occurs this will be a pandemic that will travel the world, infecting and killing millions of people.
Recent research studies published in the journal Nature, have shown that the first line of defense against the H5N1 bird flu strain, a drug known as tamiflu is not as effective as originally thought. First line treatments will need a combination of drugs such as tamiflu zanamivir and other anti-virals.
Ultimately, until the bird flu H5N1 strain does pass easily to humans, it will not be possible to develop a vaccine against it. Any vaccine would need to have the identical strain of virus that is circulating.
How to protect yourself and others: The human immune system is your first line of defense against the H5N1 bird flu. Your immune system is compromised daily by chemical exposure due to air, water, ground pollution, and by stress. Additionally the overuse of immunosuppressive drugs such as steroid creams reduces your body's ability to defend itself against a viral inflection. The bird flu is a virus, and antibiotics would not have any effect against it.
To help to protect yourself and others from the Bird Flu, your immune system response can be raised to a significantly higher level by the use of the following over-the-counter, immune enhancing substances:
Beta 1,3-D Glucan 1000 mg per day 30 minutes before a meal Beta 1,3-D Glucan is a highly purified and patented carbohydrate extracted from the cell walls of Baker's yeast. Numerous scientific studies have shown that it dramatically increases phagocytic capacity—the ability of your innate immune cells to eat and destroy foreign intruders.
Thymic Protein A 4mcg per day Protects against immune system deficencies. Thymic Protein A is a polypeptide which is made by your thymus gland. It is a chain of 500 amino acids. .
Tip! While we have many wonderful antibiotic medicines, these are not effective against bird flu, because antibiotics treat only bacterial infections, not viral infections. Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial infections that develop after viral infections have damaged the body, allowing bacterial infections to “take over.
Immune Advantage (Formerly ImmunoLin) 2 tablets per day Accoding to the manufacturer Now Foods, "Immune Advantage is a new Immunoglobulin supplement derived from bovine serum. It contains high levels of a mixture of Immunoglobulin classes, including IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgA factors shown to support healthy immune functions." I have had many good reports from clients using this product. .
Tip! Prepare Your Child for Home Schooling. Most flu outbreaks get their start at schools.
Additionally, taking vitamin C, 1-3 grams per day and a bioflavonoid mixture containing Rutin, Hesperidin, and Quercetin, will also help to build your immune system.
Nanomask Having a biofilter mask that will block the H5N1 bird flu virus and kill it, would be handy to have in your home in case of a real outbreak. The best option is called the Nanomask and they are available online for about $10 per mask. The mask has a shelf life of 1 year and comes with 10 filters.
This is not a time to panic, however it is a time to take stock of your own immune system's strength, and how that strength may be increased. You will reap many other benefits from this as well, such as fewer colds and other illnesses, and a general increase in your well being. Preparation and forethought make wonderful additions to your daily health and wellness routine. The more you know, the better prepared you truly are.
Tip! Preparation of social norms and emergency procedures that would limit or delay the spread of the avian flu epidemic. Regular hand washing, and other beneficial cleanliness custom may save more lives than all other medicines combined.
© 2005 Christopher Stewart
Christopher Stewart B.A. M.S. is a Medical Intuitive. His work is the healing of heart, mind, body and spirit. You may visit Christopher's website at http://www.clairvoyantguide.com for further information and to schedule a private consultation. You also may look for frequent updates to his blog at: http://intuitiveliving.blogspot.com/
He is the featured author of the weekly column "Ask a Medical Intuitive" at http://healing.about.com/b/a/201292.htm
Publisher's Guidelines: You may freely publish this article online, in email newsletters, or in print so long as the resource box and byline are in tact. Author would appreciate a notification, however that is optional.
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6:10 PM
Bird Flu: Three Powerful Reasons to Be Fearless
With the media's increasing focus on the projected Avian or "Bird Flu" pandemic, you can almost palpably feel the fear rising. And with reports that there are insufficient medical safeguards to prevent the loss of human life, the feeling of helplessness is on the rise as well. But here are three reasons we would be wise not to allow fear to take hold.
1) Fear weakens you and depresses your vibrational frequency, compromising your ability to resist infection. When you are operating at optimal frequency, a virus cannot make its home in your body because it will not find a frequency match there. Every entity in Creation has a range of frequency in which it thrives. The optimal frequency for your body as a human is inhospitable to viruses and harmful bacteria—it's only when your frequency drops that you are susceptible to infection. If you allow fear to take hold, your frequency is lower, and you create a suitable environment for such foreign entities, thus making you more susceptible to viral infection.
2) The Law of Attraction dictates that whatever you focus on, and empower with strong emotion, is magnetized to you, whether desirable or undesirable. Being fearful about the possibility of contracting Avian Flu creates a vibrational match to that occurring, and increases the probability of drawing it to you. Maintaining your focus on health, vitality, and joy creates a vibrational match for health, vitality, and joy. Your choice!
3) Nature has provided us with potent substances to support maintaining optimal frequency, and to effectively deal with virulent entities that may attempt invasion of our bodies, in the form of powerful anti-viral medicines called therapeutic-grade essential oils. These create an environment within you that is inhospitable to viruses by virtue of their frequency-raising capabilities and their specific mechanical actions, which include oxygenation, ozonation, and detoxification, as well the anti-oxidant activity they provide. In addition, no pathogen has ever been found to have mutated to form an immunity to the power of therapeutic-quality essential oils.
Tip! There are other ways to protect against the flu, with less potentially lethal side effects. These include using homeopathic anti-flu meds like Occillo.
So, you see, there is not only no reason to fear, fear is counterproductive to staying healthy. This approach is, indeed, antithetical to that of our government, the pharmaceutical industry, and the medical establishment, but the frequency-lowering, largely fear-based approach they take prevents them from seeing higher. The reason you are privy to this information when the medical world has largely ignored it is manifold, but in the same sense that you must provide a frequency match to a virus for it to be at home in your body, your frequency must be high enough to comprehend the wisdom of using what Nature has given us to survive. Frequency and consciousness are correlated.
Perhaps natural selection makes it so that those who are evolved to the point of being able to see this will be more apt to survive when conventional methods fail humanity, while some who are not yet able, may be at greater risk of perishing. Regardless, being fearful over Bird Flu, or the possibility of any other pandemic, will increase your likelihood of weakening, not strengthening, yourself. Would you rather be weak or strong in the face of a challenge to your health? Be fearless!
Tip! The domesticated birds catch this virus through sharing water, feed or soil that has become contaminated or through inhaling the airborne virus. The flu will then spread quickly from one bird to the other eventually leading to other flocks.
This article is not intended as medical advice.
©2005 Julia Rogers Hamrick
For more information or to purchase high-frequency, therapeutic-grade essential oils, visit http://www.recreating-eden.com/energy_tools.html.
Julia Rogers Hamrick has been a spiritual-growth facilitator for over two decades, and is the author of Recreating Eden: The Exquisitely Simple, Divinely Ordained Plan for Transforming Your Life and Your Planet. Julia writes about and leads seminars on the relationship between frequency and experience. For more information on Julia and on recreating Eden, visit http://www.recreating-eden.com.
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6:10 PM
Avian Flu: Do you want the Good News or the Bad News? Part II
Avian Flu: The bad news first
Well, it's flu season again. Only this time, we hear everyone talking about avian flu…the Super flu which is expected to wreck havoc across our land in the not so distant months.
So what is avian flu? Avian flu is bird flu. Yes, you read that right, "Avian flu is bird flu." And why might that be such bad news?
If you pursue the news much, you will read that the deadliest disease in history is widely regarded as the Spanish Flu epidemic which killed 40 million people in just months. Scientists now believe the epidemic was an avian flu pandemic. In other words, the virus came from birds - it is believed - and a virus similar to this one -called the "H5N1" (a form of avian flu virus). Its origins? Most scientists agree it originated in Asia, as this one.
Flu comes every season. It comes in one of two forms, Type A or Type B influenza. Type A is the more potent of these kinds of flu, and avian flu is Type A. These strains kill.
The current avian flu bug is infecting and spreading throughout the poultry industry in Asia. Why so often in Asia? Simply put…and here is a key to understanding how to deal with avian flu - poultry farms are absolutely filthy. The stench from such farms, especially those throughout Asia, can be detected a mile away. Those farms are packed with animals which are weak with compromised, weakened, immune systems.
Tip! There are other ways to protect against the flu, with less potentially lethal side effects. These include using homeopathic anti-flu meds like Occillo.
Let these two phrases sink in together: avian flu and weakened immune systems. Whether we are dealing with the aftermath of the horrible conditions and weakened immune systems of millions who survived World War I or the horrible conditions of Asian and European poultry farms and their millions of animals with weakened immune systems, the key to this potential pandemic is "weakened immune systems and avian flu".
Because of the rapid spread and highly dangerous nature of the avian flu to birds, millions of flocks have been destroyed throughout the afflicted countries. However, that is simply not working because migratory birds are carrying the avian flu to distant lands, thus spreading its contagion. Interestingly, the migratory birds are not dying like the chickens. Why? Because their immune systems are much stronger, we are told by scientists.
Let that one sink in too: avian flu is not killing those animals so readily which have strong immune systems. Hum…avian flu and immune systems…Could be we have something here.
Tip! No vaccine has been fully developed and tested to fight bird flu virus. Using amantadine and rimantadine, two drugs that are used to treat influenza, on those infected with the virus has not been successful.
Incidentally, there have been only about a hundred deaths from avian flu worldwide. It is almost impossible for avian flu to make the transition from bird to human easily.
Avian Flu: Now for the really bad news
Of course, as soon as there is the slightest danger -avian flu or otherwise -our government jumps into high gear to infect every one of us, if possible, with its antiviral drug program against the slightest hint of avian flu. To date, everyone of the influenza drugs have proven worthless…or worse, against avian flu or any other kind of flu.
Note this statement from the former Chief Vaccine Control at the Federal Food and Drug Administration:
There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway. --Dr. J. Anthony Morris
Tip! The federal government, despite being powerful, will be deemed powerless in the worst times of avian bird flu epidemic. It is therefore appropriate to have local plans ready to be used when the situation calls for it.
I wonder if this will apply to the alleged avian flu "antidote". Note: The last few decades have seen a dramatic shift in fatalities from seasonal flu (some of which are avian flu).
Researchers now know the increase in the population does NOT account for the doubling of the seasonal average death toll from flu (avian flu or otherwise). Less than 20,000 were dying per year for decades. But, since the advent of the flu shot, averages of over 40,000 people per year have been dying.
Tip! Get the flu shot. You may still get a milder case of the flu, or a completely different virus.
One suggestion is a combination of two factors: the continued impairment of the immune system of the average American as witnessed by the multitude of epidemic diseases among us (not present in appreciable amounts in previous decades). The second factor follows below… (like the second Horseman of the Apocalypse).
Let's see…one thing we do know about flu vaccines. They are not proven to work… No, two things we know…Yes, yes. They can kill. Just as surely as the avian flu can kill.
Many authorities believe the flu shot actually weakens the immune system…ah, there it is again…the immune system weakened.
Why is that? Let's see. The ingredients in the flu vaccine (remember this when dealing with the avian flu) include:
" Formaldehyde, you know…embalming fluid known to cause cancer.
Tip! Minimize Contact with Others. The H5N1 avian flu virus can be transmitted for two days before a person is showing any symptoms and for a week after symptoms have disappeared.
" Aluminum, the very metal related to Alzheimer's disease, cancers of numerous types and traumatic seizures.
" Carbolic Acid: a terribly caustic poison.
" Ethylene Glycol: You will definitely need this fluid this winter, but please only use it as anti-freeze for your car, as it was designed to be used originally.
" Mercury: This is present in the vaccine ingredient called thimerosol. This is a known medical crippler and killer. It kills brain cells and immune cells and is linked to childhood brain and nervous diseases because of its use in VACCINES.
" Vaccines for use in avian flu are grown on virus strains developed from pus-laden animal tissue mixed with the above mentioned deadly chemicals. (Bulleted items: Special Report, "Bird Flu, H5N1", Dr. Richard Schulze, November 2005, p. 12. Great "avian flu" resource.)
Is it any wonder the drug companies involved sought to be legally protected from law suits by those who might use these drugs against avian flu?
Tip! During the coming pandemic, there won't be enough beds in hospitals for all the sick people with bird flu. Makeshift “hospitals” will have to be established outside of existing hospitals to care for all the ill patients.
Forgive my skepticism, but I have seen from the inside of the medical/drug establishment, the fanatical zeal to make money as a first priority… Been there, opposed that. Avian flu treatment will not be any different.
Don't count on the Hippocratic Oath to protect you from avian flu. There is big money in these drugs. Billions. And it is always suspicious when a drug company seeks lawsuit immunity (hum, appropriate wording here) BEFORE THE FACT (before its use against avian flu!)
Avian Flu: Now for the good news (finally).
Avian flu was not in view when this following statement was made. However, read it carefully with avian flu in mind.
In Congressional testimony concerning the potential of bio-terrorism attack upon the United States, Dr. H. Reginald McDaniel stated,
In instances of unusual, epidemic, or virulent infectious agent exposure, glyconutrient supplementation has been found effective for enhancing general immune functions and defense. When supplied at higher levels than available in nature, sugars needed for cellular synthesis can take innate defense systems to a much higher level that are effective against infectious agents.
Tip! In 1957-58 the 'Asian flu' [A (H2N2)] caused about 70,000 deaths in the United States. The virus was first identified in China in late February 1957 and by June 1957, the Asian flu had spread to the United States.
In other words, if we were attacked by an enemy with bio weapons -such as avian flu- we could find protection with glyconutrition. This is a powerful, non-prescriptive antidote possibility against avian flu.
Glyconutrition enhances the immune system's natural defenses so powerfully that cancers, flu, and other UNDER ACTIVE IMMUNE DISORDERS can be stopped. The evidence is already in place. There is no guesswork here. Avian flu is flu, Type A, precisely the kind of flu glyconutrition is designed to offset.
Glyconutrition is effective - presumably against avian flu too - and has no side effects. It is a food substance, proven to be vital for human survival. There are no less than four Nobel Prizes to substantiate the presence and human need for glyconutrition.
Tip! Limit exposure to sick people During influenza season consider limiting your use of public areas like a break room, kitchen or cafeteria.
There is an abundance of evidence showing its effectiveness against all kinds of disease, including flu. It doesn't attack the flu directly. It strengthens the immune defenses - killer T cells and others - and they kill the tumors, flu, herpes simplex, shingles, strep, TB, bacterial infections, cancers, parasitic diseases… Quite a list of killers thus killed.
Guess what I am going to take to protect my family this year against avian flu…if it develops?
Dr. Robert Gamble is retired from a very successful medical/surgical career spanning three decades. He is active in researching medical issues such as glyconutrition… and offers his insights for public benefit. For information about Glyconutrition: go to http://www.glycoshare.com or call 1-866-735-5871
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6:10 PM
Chinese Herbs for the Cold and Flu Season
Chinese Medicine has many recommendations for staying healthy and well for all seasons. In the fall, when the weather is beginning to get chilly and the days get shorter, our lungs and our respiratory system become more vulnerable to illness. People with asthma may begin to have more frequent attacks. One is more likely to catch a cold or come down with the flu.
In Chinese Medicine, the lungs are ruled by the element of metal. The element of metal is related to the fall. In the fall, the metal element and therefore the lungs are compromised, particularly in people who are susceptible to respiratory conditions anyhow.
The Chinese believe that the Lungs (which in Chinese medicine include the entire respiratory and immune system, not just the anatomical organ of the lungs) control the opening and closing of pores on the skin. When the Lungs are weak, the pores on the skin remain open, making the body more vulnerable to external pathogens. These external pathogens are related to Wind, probably because the Chinese noticed a correlation between windy days and cold drafts with people's tendency to come down with colds, flus, allergies, and asthma. They also noticed that people begin to shiver more before they come down with certain conditions, and correlated this with Wind also.
They also believed that the neck and back were most vulnerable to attacks from Wind, probably because people often get stiff and achy in that area of the body before they come down with a cold or the flu. I have personally noticed that when I first start feeling as if I am coming down with a cold or the flu, I notice that I get sensitized to any slight breeze or draft in my environment. If at this point I start keeping my neck thoroughly covered with a scarf and keep the back of my body protected, I can usually avoid coming down with a cold or the flu. Even if you are skeptical about this theory, it would certainly do no harm to try this out for yourself.
Tip! If the flu travels from people to people, stay away from people. Avoid subways, buses, theaters, and other places where people gather in large numbers.
Astragalus is often used to boost immunity and increase resistance to illness in order to prepare for fall. The Chinese believe that astragalus aids the Lungs by closing the pores of the body, preventing pathogens from gaining a foothold in the body. Modern research has also verified the immune enhancing effects of astragalus. Research has shown that it increases phagocytosis and increases white blood cell count. Chinese research has shown it to have a protective effect against the common cold when taken consistently for two to eight weeks. Astragalus is an herb that works best as a long-term preventive measure. It is best to take it as a tea through the cold and flu season to enhance immunity and prevent illness. There is an excellent formula called Jade Windscreen Formula, or Yu Ping Feng San, which includes astragalus, that can often be found in health food stores and Asian markets. It is useful to take throughout the season to boost the body's resistance to colds, the flu, allergies, and asthma.
Tip! The avian influenza virus affects birds and pigs. However, because the virus has different strains and they easily mutate, scientists fear the virus could evolve into something worse and affect humans directly.
When you already have a full blown early case of the cold or flu, the Chinese believe that since the pathogen is already within the confines of the body, the best thing to do is to open the pores and promote sweating in order to expel the pathogen out of the body. As a result, it is not good to take astragalus or Jade Windscreen Formula while you actually have a cold or the flu. The Chinese believe that an herb such as astragalus, which has a function of closing the pores and reducing sweating, could prolong a cold or flu if you take it while you are sick. In order to open the pores and promote sweating, it is best to take ginger or cinnamon tea, or the Chinese patent formula, Gan Mao Ling. Have hot soups, and take warm baths with three drops of eucalyptus, lemon, or tea tree essential oil. All of these things can help you to sweat your cold out. These remedies are useful when you are feeling stiff and achy, and have a stuffy or runny nose and watery eyes with clear phlegm.
Tip! Minimize Contact with Others. The H5N1 avian flu virus can be transmitted for two days before a person is showing any symptoms and for a week after symptoms have disappeared.
Hopefully, by taking the preceding advice you will be able to prevent your cold from progressing or from occurring at all. If your cold does progress to the point of having headache, fever, sore throat, and cough with sticky yellow or green phlegm, a different strategy is necessary. All of these symptoms indicate an infection or an inflammatory response from the body. Mint tea with lemon and honey can be soothing for the cough and the sore throat. The patent formula, Yin Qiao San, which has Forsythia and Honeysuckle in it, can help with these symptoms. Yin Qiao San is also useful for allergy and hayfever symptoms with red itchy eyes and a scratchy throat. The patent formula, Gan Mao Ling, is still useful because it is thought to be anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Gargling with warm, salt water can help with a sore throat. Warm baths with 3 drops of eucalyptus, lemon, or tea tree oil are also still useful because these essential oils are also considered to be anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Of course, if symptoms get severe, it is important to see your doctor.
Tip! Encourage the formation of prediction markets about the avian bird flu epidemic. This will give the people a better idea and perspective of the probability of a possible widespread including human-to-human transmission.
As you can see, the progression to a case of the common cold or the flu is a multi-stage process. The sooner you work on preventing the problem and strengthening your body's resistance the better. In the fall, when the days are getting shorter and chillier, it is important to boost the strength of your body and increase your resistance to illness throughout the season. Of course, if you do get a full blown case of cold or flu, there are still many gentle and safe traditional chinese remedies that can address your condition.
Dr. Farah Khan, DOM is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She offers information and products related to different health conditions at her web site at http://www.yinessence.com. Her e-mail address is farah@yinessence.com.
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6:10 PM
Cold & Flu
Flu Influenza Influenza (or as it is commonly known, the flu or the grippe) is a contagious disease, caused by an RNA virus of the orthomyxoviridae family. It rapidly spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics. The name comes from the old medical belief that unfavourable astrological influences cause the disease.
There are three types of the virus, identified by antigenic differences in their nucleoprotein and matrix protein:
Influenza A viruses that infect mammals and birds
Influenza B viruses that infect only humans
Influenza C viruses that infect only humans
The A type of influenza virus is the type most likely to cause epidemics and pandemics. This is because the influenza A virus can undergo antigenic shift and present a new, immune target to susceptible people. Populations tend to have more resistance to influenza B and C, because they only undergo antigenic drift, and have more similarity with previous strains.
The term superflu is used to refer to a strain of flu that spreads unusually quickly, is unusually virulent, or is for which the host is uncommonly unresponsive to treatment. Thus, there is a tendency to apply the term to strains which cause epidemics or pandemics. There is no exact scientific definition of a superflu.
The virus attacks the respiratory tract, is transmitted from person to person by saliva droplets expelled by coughing, and causes the following symptoms:
Fever Headache Tiredness (can be extreme) Dry cough Sore throat Nasal congestion Sneezing Irritated eyes Body aches Extreme coldness Fatigue
Flu season Influenza reaches peak prevalence in winter, and because the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have winter at different times of the year, there are actually two flu seasons each year. Hope-Simpson (1981) observed that influenza outbreaks are globally ubiquitous, and consistently occur six months following the time of maximum solar radiation in an area. Therefore, the World Health Organization makes two vaccine formulations every year; one for the Northern, and one for the Southern Hemisphere.
Tip! There should be enough foreign aid to the receipt of useful information about the progress of avian flu. This will be especially useful in some Asian countries where the avian bird flu epidemic is rampant.
While most influenza outbreaks in the Northern Hemisphere tend to peak in January or February, not all do. For example, the influenza pandemic of 1918 and 1919 reached peak virulence during late spring and summer worldwide, and not until October in the US. It remains unclear why outbreaks of the flu occur seasonally rather than uniformly throughout the year. One possible explanation is that, because people are indoors more often during the winter, they are in close contact more often, and this is enough to trigger the outbreak. Another is that the cold weakens the immune system; however, the virus is contracted in a warm indoor environment in which it can thrive.
Prevention It is possible to get vaccinated against influenza. However, due to the high mutability of the virus, a particular flu vaccine formulation usually only works for about a year. The World Health Organization co-ordinates the contents of the vaccine each year, to contain the most likely strains of the virus which probably will attack the next year. The flu vaccine is usually recommended for anyone in a high-risk group, who would be likely to suffer complications from influenza.
Treatment Antiviral treatments that have proven effective in influenza are amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir and ribavirin. As most of these substances are expensive, various healthcare organisations and insurers only support their use where this would make a significant difference, e.g. in the elderly.
A trademarked elderberry extract may aid in shortening the duration of an episode of influenza once contracted, though it has no notable preventive effects (Zakay-Rones et al 1995).
Tip! There won't be enough isolation rooms to place the large numbers of patients with bird flu in, which will result in more people becoming ill through exposure to people with bird flu. Likewise, there won't be enough of some medical equipment, because of increased demand for some items coupled with decreased supply—because of our reliance on a global supply chain, foreign manufacture, and just-in-time delivery.
For more details click here!
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6:10 PM
Cold and Flu Medicines Right From Your Kitchen
In Japan, they usually use egg wine to cure cold, flu, fever, etc. Whenever it turns cold, egg wine becomes a favourite beverage in every Japanese household. You can make it yourself by mixing wine with some well beaten egg. Add some sugar to that alcoholic egg and put the mixture into the microwave oven for about 20 minutes. A glass of egg wine is ready for you to enjoy! It helps improve your blood circulation, warm your body when it's getting cold and makes you feel sleepy. Drinking egg wine is also a good way to restore your energy and also enhance the beauty of your skin.
In addition to egg wine, alcoholic garlic also does wonders when you have a cold or flu. Soak 100g of crushed garlic in 0.5 litres of strong alcohol for about 2 days. After that, filter the mixture and drink 20-30 drops of that mixture with boiled water three times a week. You can also cure your stuffy nose by dripping a mixture of crushed garlic and water into it. However, with small children, you cannot use the crushed garlic liquid to drip into their noses; you just should let them smell it.
Another way to use garlic in curing colds and flu is to combine it with honey. Mix some crushed garlic with honey and drink a spoonful of that mixture with boiled water four times a day. Garlic has been proved to be very effective in curing colds and flu, some people even eat raw garlic when they are ill their flu goes away very quickly. Moreover, eating lots of garlic in your meals is very good for your heart and is even said to prolong one's life span.
Colds and flu can also be cured or prevented by eating raw onions. You can make a salad with raw onions and other kinds of vegetables if you don't like the strong taste and smell of them on their own.
However, the simplest and most common way to cure colds and flu is using ginger. Ginger is especially effective when you have a cough or fever. Even when you are in good shape, drinking ginger tea regularly is very good for your health and can prevent colds and flu. Put some ginger slices and a little sugar into hot water, after 5 minutes, a special cup of tea is ready for you!
Tip! While we have many wonderful antibiotic medicines, these are not effective against bird flu, because antibiotics treat only bacterial infections, not viral infections. Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial infections that develop after viral infections have damaged the body, allowing bacterial infections to “take over.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Flu
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6:10 PM
Cold or Flu Remedy Drink Ingredients and Why They are Effective
Remember the days when you were young and had a terrible cold, that cup of wonderfully hot, spicy and soothing drink that Grandma gave you? We are going to reveal the common ingredients and why they work.
Ginger has been used by the Chinese for more than 2,000 years and is one of natures' amazing antiviral herbs. It is generally used to treat an upset stomach, but it also helps to fight colds by removing congestion, relieving sinus pain and clearing sore throats. As the Chinese says, take a nice hot ginger drink to induce sweating and eliminate the "coldness" inside your body!
Honey We've all heard how good honey is haven't we? Although not sure why, modern research has shown that honey has the following healing properties:
* blocks the growth of oral bacteria
* coats the throat and reduces throat irritation
* effective when used in the treatment of gastric or peptic stomach ulcers
* effective in the treatment of various wounds and infections
* effective antioxidant, which allows the blood to circulate better and provide more oxygen to areas of the body such as the brain
* can be applied externally to promote healing when applied to wounds and burns
* Last but not least - their sweet flavour is often crucial to cover up the otherwise bland/bitter taste of other herbs!
Brown Sugar has been used by Chinese as a substitute for honey to make herbal desserts. Brown sugar has a higher sucrose and fibre content than regular (white) sugar, and according to Chinese medicine, it is effective in blood circulation, "warming" of the intestines, and elimination of "coldness" from the body - sounds ideal for tackling colds and flu!
Cinnamon has been used for centuries to fight infection, stop vomiting and relieve the feelings of nausea. The 12th-century German nun and herbalist Hildegard of Bingen even recommended it as "the universal spice for sinuses" and a treatment for colds, flu, and "inner decay and slime." Of course, its sweet flavour doesn't hurt at all!
Cloves are actually the dried buds of the clove tree. Used in China for more than two thousand years, Cloves are supposed to be an aphrodisiac. We do know that oil of Clove is a time-honored remedy for toothache. Clove oil is highly antiseptic and used to stop vomiting.
Garlic is the highly regarded herb in ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire - legend has it that the Romans fed it to their soldiers before the battles! Garlic contains several antiviral compounds, including allicin, one of the most potent antibiotics in plants, thus making it an excellent boost to the immune system. Chives, scallions, onions and leeks have similar properties.
Tip! People should not obsess over avian bird flu at the expense of other medical issues. The epidemic or other public health crisis could come from any number of sources.
Echinacea (purple coneflower), used by the American Indians for centuries, is one of the top-selling herbs in North America. It is believed to help stimulate the production of white blood cells and makes your body stronger in fighting against cold or flu.
Lemon Balm promotes sweating and is ideal for those who suffer from cold sores throughout the winter. It also has relaxing properties if served as tea. Please note that those having an underactive thyroid should not use lemon balm on a regular basis.
St. John's Wort is a valuable herb during the winter months, as well as exerting an anti-depressant and nerve relaxing effect it also works as an anti-viral. It is an ideal herb for overworked, stressed people with a tendency to feeling down in the dumps due to low light levels in the winter.
Ginseng is a valuable herb that helps the body cope with stress, strengthen the immune system thus helping to work against cold viruses. Please note that Ginseng is not suitable for use during acute infections.
Tip! The federal government, despite being powerful, will be deemed powerless in the worst times of avian bird flu epidemic. It is therefore appropriate to have local plans ready to be used when the situation calls for it.
Peppermint is a valuable herb used in the treatment of bronchitis, colds and flu. It reduces fevers by inducing sweating and cooling the body. It is also a painkiller for headaches and some migraines. It is a soothing decongestant and makes an effective inhalation for clearing blocked sinuses.
Yarrow has anti-inflammatory properties and promote sweating, great for fever, feverish colds and flu according to many herbalists. It is often taken in combination with elderflower and peppermint.
Citrus Fruits have the best source of vitamin C, which helps the body to fight against infection. A combination of citrus fruit will make a delicious and healthy drink.
Whisky is the traditional remedy for soothing sore throats. In fact, alcoholic drinks in general have antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties and a small amount is good for fighting colds and soar throats.
Stephanie writes a light-hearted daily blog on healthy, delicious and family-friendly beverages, together with nutritional value and fun facts on foods. Get the cold/flu remedy drink recipes and more at http://www.yourdailydrink.com
Posted by
6:10 PM
Bird Flu: Investment Opportunity?
Everyone seems to be talking about the Avian Flu, otherwise known as the H5N1 virus. We believe the virus and danger is real, but are the investment opportunities for real?
Watching the public market clamor for "Bird Flu Stocks" reminds us of the "Internet Stock" bubble.
We challenge investors to carefully think about whether the bird flu is a great threat or just a great media story. With all the media coverage, would you be surprised to learn that in the entire world, the virus has only infected a total of 194 people and killed a total of 110 people?
The current strain of the virus is not spread among humans. Every person previously infected with the virus had direct contact with sick birds (mainly chickens). However, experts seem to agree that if the virus mutates into a contagious form, it is possible that it will kill millions of people.
Big problems always present tremendous investment opportunities. Investors in companies who develop the products and services that truly solve any large problem can make millions. In anticipation of large profits, it should come as no surprise that many investors have driven the market value of "bird flu stocks" to very high levels. The combined market value of these stocks now exceeds several billion dollars. Investors are assuming these companies will generate large profits.
Well, what if investors are wrong? What if the fancy solutions being touted by many of the bird flu stocks are not as important as we are led to believe?
Recently, a company in England announced that initial tests prove that a simple hand spray (which is already sold in major department stores) is more than 99.8% efficient in killing H5N1. The product was originally developed several years ago to prevent the spread of certain germs and is entirely safe for use by humans.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, avoiding close contact with others, covering your mouth and nose, cleaning your hands and avoiding to touch your eyes, nose or mouth - are the primary ways to prevent getting germs.
When you take a step back from all the hype, the reality is that simply wearing a medical mask and washing hands frequently, will virtually assure that a person will not get infected.
Sometimes, the simple answers provide the best solutions. If medical masks and soap are the most effective defense, what becomes of all these "bird flu stocks"?
Joel Arberman is the Managing Member of Stock Aware, LLC. We publish a free investment research and analysis newsletter and offer investor relations and investor awareness services. Learn more at StockAware.com
Posted by
6:09 PM
Should I Still Invest in Turkey Regardless of Bird-Flu?
Canny investors will tell you that the skill is knowing when to put your money into an opportunity. Who would not have bought into Tuscany or St Tropez 20 years ago if they had had the knowledge and the funds? But many people thinking about a holiday home are not hard-nosed investors but ordinary folk with some resources, looking to improve their lives, perhaps make a small return on their property and anxious not to make a mistake. Turkey has been immensely popular for all the right reasons for a second home.
But it has hit the news headlines over the past few weeks more for its impending health crisis than for its continued economic growth. The Avian Flu virus H5N1 strain has shown signs of becoming endemic and people fear it could spread further. Yet the truth is that this is still one of the best regions with a long summer season, superb scenery, amazing history and some very attractive and attractively priced properties in serene locations. Indeed, Turkey is often described as the last of the affordable paradises
Think twice before changing your mind about investing in Turkey because of recent events and the related media exposure that followed. This problem will resolve given a little time. As with every potential (and actual) epidemic in history, bird flu will eventually lose its power, certainly by the time any property you could buy today has been built. And, if you wait until all this concern is history, you will find that so have many other people and price inflation might make your purchase more difficult or its market appreciation less. Bright investors bought into Tuscany and St Tropez when many of the properties were basic farmhouses, or fishermen's cottages. But buyers in Turkey do not have to wait a generation or two for gentrification. The new-build properties that are available off plan are to superb standards in superb locations at prices that are a fraction of those in the longer established getaway destinations, many of which today are overcrowded and have lost much of their charm. Turkey really is a paradise and the country plans to keep it that way.
Tip! There are other ways to protect against the flu, with less potentially lethal side effects. These include using homeopathic anti-flu meds like Occillo.
The dream holiday location
So, in my opinion, bird flu is just a hiccup not a full stop. Yes, we have a vested interest as we handle some of the best properties in the finest regions of Turkey. But we are putting our own hard-earned money in so we are not advising anyone to do what we would not do. Is it not a golden rule to only put your money where your adviser is putting his? Would you take any notice of a horse tip from someone who smokes rollups and rides a bike?
Tip! Get the flu shot. You may still get a milder case of the flu, or a completely different virus.
Turkey is becoming increasingly popular as a holiday destination and is attracting knowledgeable property investors from across the world, particularly Europe and the US. Prices are still very low and properties that would cost you up to £1,000,000 on any of the Spanish Costa's can be found for around £150,000 in Turkey, even by award-winning UK developers in an area we feel is the tops, Bodrum. With beautiful, historic, sun drenched locations and longer summer seasons than even Spain, Turkey truly is a delightful and affordable location.
A prospering country
The economic argument for investing in Turkey is as strong as the life-style one. Plans for Turkish accession to the EU officially opened on 3 October 2005. Though no date for joining is yet fixed, the candidacy of Turkey is expected to further increase foreign interest in the Turkish real estate market, not only by foreign investors but also from developers. Look at what has been happening in Bulgaria, which is currently looking forward to it's own accession in 2007 - and that is only a year or so away! Investors are expected to reap the benefits by way of further investment into infrastructure and rising house prices. Your dream home in the sun may not be about capital appreciation but it is a comfort to know you and your family can enjoy a place that might one day soon reach a price that you could not afford! Or become a usable asset that would add something to your nest egg if you chose to sell at some time in the future.
Tip! Buy Enough Anti-Viral Medication for Every Member of your Family. Currently there are two drugs that can help mitigate the effects of the avian flu virus.
Just days after the European Union and Turkey finally agreed to enter into talks for Turkey's EU accession process, Dubai extended a hand of ‘friendship and cooperation' to Turkey and committed to an extended real estate investment program worth five billion US dollars. A spokesperson for Amberlamb the property investment specialists said "This financial commitment from Dubai is the first foreign investment offered to Turkey since an agreement with the EU was reached and is therefore seen as highly significant. It is also the first in an estimated 1.2 trillion dollars of inward investment that Turkey is attempting to attract from the Gulf States."
GDP growth in 2004 has been confirmed at 8.9%, considerably higher than expected. This figure is largely due to consumer spending and to investment, which picked up strongly throughout the year.
Turkey received a total of 17.5 million foreign visitors in 2004, a 25% increase on 2003. This trend seems to have continued in the early months of 2005, with visitor numbers up 25.9% in the first seven months of the year, compared to visitor numbers during the first seven months of 2004, helped by a renewal of interest from US citizens. The number of US tourists rose by 31% in 2004 to close to 300,000, which must prove it has a lot to offer to some of the wisest travelers in the world.
Tip! Preparation of social norms and emergency procedures that would limit or delay the spread of the avian flu epidemic. Regular hand washing, and other beneficial cleanliness custom may save more lives than all other medicines combined.
With the current improved economic conditions, property values have already recovered and passed pre 2001 value levels. Property funds, both domestic and foreign, are investing again, inflation continues to decline, the economy is growing and the government is expected to continue with the economic program formulated by the IMF.
The residential market is very strong due to declining interest rates and rising confidence in the economy. Commercial property markets, especially in Istanbul, are attracting foreign interest mostly from foreign European and Gulf property funds.
Currently, the most active segment of the real estate market for foreign developers and investors is in retail property. However, there is significant recent interest from foreign developers for holiday home projects located on the Aegean and Mediterranean coast of Turkey and compared to Spain and Portugal, Turkey offers a similar if not longer season at more affordable values.
Yes, but …… Could bird flu across Turkey prove a real disaster?
Tip! During the coming pandemic, there won't be enough beds in hospitals for all the sick people with bird flu. Makeshift “hospitals” will have to be established outside of existing hospitals to care for all the ill patients.
You are wise to look carefully at the downside. So, lets look at a worst-case scenario: Past pandemics have spread globally in two and occasionally three waves. Each wave can last from 5 to eight weeks and be separated by three to six months. A pandemic could last for a single wave of no more that a couple of months or in a worst-case scenario it could generate several waves of infection over up to two years.
An average build time for an off-plan property is two years, including those we are handling. So any drop in potential rental activity during the course of endemic infection is irrelevant because by the build time of a property. Whether you are buying to rent or as a holiday home - if you time your purchase carefully you are extremely unlikely to find your return on investment lessened by H5N1.
Some observations, in conclusion...
Don't start putting the brakes on any intentions to invest in Turkey on the back of an unfortunate few weeks. It is almost inconceivable that this particular strain of influenza will not have been placed on the biological back-burner by Mother Nature or have been brought under control by means of an effective vaccine by the time any property bought off plan today is finally completed. Remember, current low prices will rise again once all the negative hype has blown over - making investors with foresight plenty of return.
As with all things, do your homework, keep your ear to the ground and employ common sense. The bottom line is that there are far bigger mistakes to be made choosing the wrong development/location/agent than in choosing Turkey as a location for a holiday home or an investment property.
James Wittering is the Marketing manager for EPI. They also have investment property for sale in Turkey
Posted by
6:09 PM
Preparing Your Finances for a Bird Flu Pandemic
If you have been paying attention to the news lately you may of heard of the threat of bird flu and a world pandemic. What would this mean and how would it affect your financial holdings. The World Bank, which has estimated that a bird flu pandemic lasting a year could, cost the global economy up to $800 billion dollars. The economic toll on the world economy will be catastrophic. That is a forecast no investor wants to hear. Even a "mild" pandemic could wreck havoc with your investments.
During a flu pandemic millions of people would be unable to work due to illness and taking care of sick family members. Schools and businesses would be closed, transportation reduced or halted. Ill truck drivers, rail and warehouse workers would bring interstate commerce to a grinding halt. How many air traffic controllers could be out sick before flights were cancelled? International travel would all but be eliminated. Businesses hardest hit would include retail, trade, education, travel and tourism, public entertainment and anywhere large groups of people would gather such as sporting events and concerts. Import and exports markets would be devastated.
With millions out of work and unable to pay their bills including rent and mortgage payments, financial institutions facing mounting defaults would have no choice but to suspend debt owed until the pandemic was over. Other financial institutions would face similar threats of collapse until business returned to normal. But, how long would that take? Thousands of businesses may never be able to recover resulting in the loss of millions of jobs. Large and small businesses alike may loose key employees who would be difficult to replace. Moving forward businesses would face labor shortages due to the millions who died, making a return to full productivity difficult.
Tip! There are other ways to protect against the flu, with less potentially lethal side effects. These include using homeopathic anti-flu meds like Occillo.
The global economy could take years to recover. Individual business recovery could be painfully slow. Government spending to aid recovery would go through the roof, yet they would be receiving less in tax revenue from businesses that closed and individuals out of work. The stock value of the largest businesses could collapse devaluing millions of investor's portfolios. Investors may dump their stock holdings in favor of cash and hard assets like gold and silver. Housing prices could plunge as millions of homeowners go into default. Financial panic could wreck the markets in short order.
Many essential items could be in short supply due to loss of production capacity. Gas and oil deliveries could take months to return to normal production. Consumer spending would be down further delaying economic recovery.
Tip! In times of any type of epidemic, people should not expect the Army or Armed Forces to be part of a useful response plan. An avian bird flu epidemic is no exception.
Global instability would be the rule rather than the exception. 3rd world countries devastated by the pandemic could face new internal struggles for power as whole armies could be wiped out by the flu. International trade relations we once had may no longer be there.
A world pandemic would set the dominos in motion. One event would trigger another; one financial collapse would bring on the next one. The results would be nothing short of catastrophic.
As an investor your first course of action is to stay informed. A bird flu pandemic may not happen for years, but health experts say it will happen, it is just a matter of time. But then there is always natural disasters and terrorism to worry about. The more you know about a possible bird flu pandemic the better position you will be in to adjust your portfolio accordingly when the time comes if not sooner.
Tip! If the flu travels from people to people, stay away from people. Avoid subways, buses, theaters, and other places where people gather in large numbers.
Diverting a portion of your assets into stocking up on essential food and supplies may be a prudent move, since a pandemic may keep you housebound for months at a time. No well-diversified portfolio will help you out when the grocery stores are closed and you are waiting in line for a government hand out.
Stay informed, plan accordingly, and be prepared.
TJ Smith writes about avian flu and the coming pandemic.To stay up to date on avian influenza, bird flu and the h5n1 virus visit The Bird Flu Index http://www.birdfluindex.com. Find links to bird flu websites, blogs, forums, official medical and government sites and full information about how the bird flu could turn into a global influenza pandemic. Search through the article archive for the latest bird flu articles. For the latest bird flu news and the coming pandemic visit The Pandemic Zone http://pandemiczone.blogspot.com.
Posted by
6:09 PM
Insurance Position on Bird Flu from LifeSearch
In response to a number of enquires on the subject, across a range of typical protection products we would expect the following outcome in the event of a claim:
Would we expect a policy to pay out?
Life Insurance YES
Income Protection YES
Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance YES
Critical Illness Cover NO
Private Medical Insurance NO
Source: www.lifesearch.co.uk
Life Insurance:
Full pay out as expected. There are no exclusions that we would expect to impact upon a claim.
Income Protection (IP):
Full pay out as expected when unable to earn as defined by the policy.
Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance (MPPI):
Full pay out as expected (as long as the client cannot work according to the policy's definition of disability).
Critical Illness Cover (CIC):
As bird flu is not a listed condition we would not expect this type of policy to pay out unless the impact of the disease was such that the client could never work again on a ‘total and permanent' basis.
Private Medical Insurance (PMI):
We are told by Phil Taylor, Managing Director of independent PMI specialist Preferred Medical that as soon as the condition, or a related condition, becomes acute it is likely that the patient would be admitted through A&E to an NHS facility where Intensive Care facilities would be available. There is virtually no provision of Intensive Care in the private sector.
Senior Technical Adviser, Kevin Carr, said ‘Income protection and life assurance policyholders should not be concerned regarding their protection insurance policies in relation to any potential outbreak of bird flu and it is worth noting that very few Critical Illness policies are sold without life cover. This example is a further endorsement of the UK public's need for Income Protection as we are all more likely to lose our income through disability than we are to pass away.'
Kevin Carr, Senior Technical Adviser http://www.lifesearch.co.uk
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6:09 PM
Bird Flu Supplier Readiness Questionnaire Letter
Does your company have a plan to insure that you will have the supplies you need to maintain business operations in the case of a Bird Flu Pandemic? What if your vendors and suppliers are unable to perform of fail to deliver the needed supplies? The best time to find out is before such an event. When did Noah build the Arch? Before the Great Flood remember?
There fore you need to send out a letter asking your suppliers and vendors who they are going to continue to deliver you supplies during mandatory Bird Flu Pandemic disruptions. Here is a sample letter you may wish to use:
Subject: Bird Flu Pandemic Supplier Readiness
Over the next few months, our company name will be evaluating the readiness of our suppliers to handle our companies needs during a potential Bird Flu Pandemic. It is critically important to us to assure that you are ready so we can avoid any resulting disruptions to our business and our customers.
You are an important supplier to our company and we are asking for your cooperation in this matter. Our goal is to identify and resolve any problem areas arising from a Bird Flu Pandemic issue that will impact our business with you. Your willingness to share this information and to discuss mutual action plans that may result is vital to our ongoing business relationship.
We will be scheduling a meeting with you to discuss your company's plans and status for handling a potential Bird Flu Pandemic issue. In advance of that meeting, we would like you to answer attached Bird Flu Pandemic Supplier Readiness Questionnaire, designed to provide us with a view of your Bird Flu Pandemic readiness. This initial survey should not require extensive time to complete. Please return the completed questionnaire to (your name here) by (date).
Tip! Relevant drugs and vaccines for the avian bird flu disease should be bought and sold at fair prices. This is in respect to the intellectual property rights of the people.
I look forward to hearing from you.
-- - -- - -- - -- - --
This should help you evaluate if your suppliers can continue to serve your business needs or if they will cause you to shut down your business in the potential eventuality of a Bird Flu Pandemic. I hope you humans will consider all this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
Posted by
6:09 PM
Responding to Bird Flu Pandemic Readiness From Customers
Soon large corporate clients will be asking you if indeed you will be able to manage incase of a Bird Flu Pandemic. They will want to know if indeed your company will still be around to supply them in the event there is a Bird Flu Pandemic? What will you tell them? Are you even sure you will be around? Have you got a plan? You might wish to start thinking of one now. Meanwhile here is a sample letter response you can send back in case you are blind sided by such a readiness inquiry to such a question from a Corporate Client; Sample Response to Bird Flu Pandemic Inquiries
Subject: Bird Flu Pandemic Readiness
Thank you for your inquiry dated; (date) regarding our readiness to handle a Bird Flu Pandemic has been considered and we have our plan in place, there fore there should be no disruptions in our services or deliver of products to your company.
We recognize the Bird Flu Pandemic is a serious issue, and have been working to correct the problem for (amount of time). Plans are already in place and will be completed by: (will be in place by date). We are firmly committed to providing you our product(s) and service(s) without disruption caused by a Bird Flu Pandemic, and (have) (will have by date) people and resources in place to address the coming of the Bird Flu Pandemic.
We (are already Bird Flu Pandemic ready) (will be Bird Flu Pandemic ready ) in the following key areas of our business:
Area __________________ Date Ready_________________
Business Management
Production planning
Plant operations
Distribution and Delivery
Please call us with any concerns or questions.
Tip! Relevant drugs and vaccines for the avian bird flu disease should be bought and sold at fair prices. This is in respect to the intellectual property rights of the people.
------- ------- -------- -------- --------
This should provide you with the proper timely response to the inquiry for your dedication to seeing the Bird Flu Pandemic thru, but you still need to develop an outline and a plan of how you are going to deal with all a Bird Flu Pandemic. Consider all of this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
Posted by
6:09 PM
Read this Article if You Are Not Afraid of Bird Flu
Are you tired of being in fear of this or that or what ever it is today? Are you tired of the BS and Hokum from the folks who brought us Y2K?
Are you sitting down and watching too much TV until your rear is sore? Are you simply fed up with the prospect of Nuclear War?
Does the thought of Communism no longer get you down? Are you to the point you are certain it will always be around?
Are you tired of looking for OBL in some remote cave they say he does dwell? Are you sure he is on our payroll and want to tell them all to go to hell?
This Comet, which is certain to hit the Earth and kill us all? The one that never comes, forget that noise I am going shopping, be at the mall!
Are you tired of hearing about fictitious political scandal? Those people in D.C. it seems that they will never get a handle.
Tip! Get the flu shot. You may still get a milder case of the flu, or a completely different virus.
Is International Terrorism really real you ask yourself now? My god you turn on the TV and the mass media is in complete hysteria having a cow.
It's the economy stupid it is crumbling all around? Yet every time you look out you see, expansion, business as usual and the jobs abound?
Are we suppose to live in fear for fear sake? Are you wondering now why you are becoming immune to it all, catastrophes of Earthquakes and you don't even shake?
The Hurricane Season broke all records, Super Storms are real? Are you worried about disruption of power, supplies and where you will get your next meal?
This fear we must be afraid the disease is coming we are all going to die? Well, that's nice but how can you prove to us that Bird Flu is not just another lie?
Tip! In times of any type of epidemic, people should not expect the Army or Armed Forces to be part of a useful response plan. An avian bird flu epidemic is no exception.
Lance Winslow
Posted by
6:09 PM
Fake Counterfeit Bird Flu Vaccines
Well if you have been watching pretty soon we will all die of that Bird flu thing. Meanwhile some folks on the Internet are attempting to sell bogus sugar pills as Bird Flu Vaccine. Forget expecting the FBI and FTC to take care of them, they are still trying to reduce the SPAM in your email box?
So Bird Flu is on its way via airmail from migrating birds and so you order you special Bird Flu Vaccine online like a good parent for the family? Yet you find out the bird flu vaccine is for the birds, as it is the original Fake Counterfeit Bird Flu Vaccine from some Internet Spammer? Oh great, now you are going to fall victim to Bird Flu and like the other 150 million predicted to die, your soul will fly away along with all the culled chickens?
But what the heck Roche cannot make enough of the Tamiflu drug anyway to stop the N5H1 Bird Flu anyway. That is the bird flu virus, which is predicted to mutate to kill people? How do they know this unless those Spammers are screwing their chickens to create the mutated bird flu, before they come and screw all of us with their Fake Counterfeit Bird Flu Vaccines? Think on it.
Lance Winslow
Posted by
6:09 PM
What if Bird Flu is Listening to the News Reports
What if Bird Flu was cognizant of our fears and what if it knew it must modify itself slightly along the N5H1 strain to infect humans and then changes it self slightly to grow and infect more human hosts? What if Bird Flu, the human strain was engineered by micro-Biologists to grow into a pandemic to limit human population growth and force people into their homes, so it would be easier to control them?
What if the powers that be decided this would be the best way to keep control of the populations of the world? What if Bird Flu was listening to the growing public relations ploy to scare the masses then simply waiting for the correct time to start a pandemic?
What if it was already released into migratory birds and they are simply waiting until it starts its run like influenza does every year? What if they all know something we do not? What if the guy at the coffee shop, the local conspiracy theorist is really onto something? Maybe this time he is right and that Bird Flu is waiting and it is listening in on us and maybe there is a reason why nothing has happened yet?
Maybe, just maybe that guy who we all think is nuts, is actually onto something? As I listened to just such a conspiracy theorist today over coffee, I thought, wow, now that story is for the birds indeed? Or is that story for us to keep us in fear? Think on it.
Tip! Relevant drugs and vaccines for the avian bird flu disease should be bought and sold at fair prices. This is in respect to the intellectual property rights of the people.
Lance Winslow
Posted by
6:09 PM